Kaiseki course in Kobe beef steak
香箱蟹といくら 冬の仕立て
Female snow crab and Salted salmon roe , Winter style
フォワグラ茶碗蒸し トリュフの香り
Steamed egg custard of Foie-gras and Truffle
本日の天然鮮魚の造里 料理長お奨めの薬味で
Sashimi of Natural fresh fish with Chef's recommended condiments
真鱈と白子の親子焼き 霙餡
Grilled Cod and Milt with Grated daikon radish
冬穴子と堀川牛蒡の天麩羅 牛蒡パウダー
Grilled Conger eel and Tempura of Burdock with Burdock root powder
神戸牛サーロインステーキ 三種の薬味をお好みでご一緒に
Kobe beef sirloin steak with your choice of 3 different condiments
岐阜県飛騨地方限定米「龍の瞳」釜炊き御飯 香の物 赤出汁
Japanese ceramic kettle-cooked rice with Side dishes and Red miso soup
Seasonal dessert
表示価格は消費税を含みます/ 別途10%のサービス料を頂戴いたします(個室利用の場合は15%)
*Menu is subject to change depending on availability.
*Display prices include sales tax.
*Additional 10% service charge will be charged. (15% will be charged when using a private room)