Kaiseki Course 「Fuji」
公魚と蛤 山菜仕立て 橙酢ジュレと春菊ソース
Japanese pond smelt and clams with orange-vinegared jus and garland chrysanthemum sauce
フォワグラ茶碗蒸し トリュフの香り
Steamed egg custard of Foie-gras and Truffle
本日の天然鮮魚の造里 料理長お奨めの薬味で
Sashimi of Natural fresh fish with Chef's recommended condiments
甘鯛と海老芋の唐揚げ 葱と生姜の香味ソース
Deep-fried sea bream and shrimp taro with leek and ginger sauce
天然鰤トロ 山山葵醤油仕立て
Fatty Wild Yellowtail with Wasabi Soy Sauce
黒毛和牛サーロインと極み大根 青さ海苔
Japanese black beef sirloin and Japanese radish with Green laver starchy sauce
岐阜県飛騨地方限定米「龍の瞳」釜炊き御飯 香の物 赤出汁
Japanese ceramic kettle-cooked rice with Side dishes and Red miso soup
Seasonal dessert
表示価格は消費税を含みます/ 別途10%のサービス料を頂戴いたします(個室利用の場合は15%)
*Menu is subject to change depending on availability.
*Display prices include sales tax.
*Additional 10% service charge will be charged. (15% will be charged when using a private room)